Press Release
The 130th annual convention of the West Virginia Junior Order United American Mechanics (J.O.U.A.M.) was held July 19 – 21 2018 at the Flatwoods Conference Center in Flatwoods, WV. Attending from North Carolina and representing the National Council was Charles Riehs, National Councilor. The convention opened Thursday evening with Past State Councilor and Master of Ceremonies, Chuck Petro. The invocation was offered by Chaplain David Kendig followed by The Pledge of Allegiance led by PSC Paul Simmons. Jerry Frye led the assembled group in the singing of the opening ode. The Manager of the conference center, Mr. Rob Pecora, welcomed the group warmly. There was no athletic report this year due to the fact that there was not a golf tournament. Chaplain David Kendig led the benediction and the group retired to an adjacent room for fellowship and refreshments. A memorial service was led by Chaplain David Kendig on Friday morning in remembrance of members who passed away in the past year. Betty Ruppenthal gave a short talk on the topic of prayer and Virgil Ruppenthal played two songs entitled “I’ll Pray for You” and “My Heart Knows.” Friday’s business session opened at 9:30 and was led by State Councilor Gary Vance. New members were installed and visitors were welcomed. Fourteen resolutions were presented: thirteen were approved and one was not approved. Friday evening’s banquet was followed by an inspiring address by Charles Riehs encouraging members to lead boldly and mentor the next generation. Past National Councilor Dennis Everett and Jennifer Dailey drew tickets for the Chinese auction and door prizes and all enjoyed the music provided by DJ Phil Chapman. The state session reconvened on Saturday morning at 8:30. A revised resolution was presented and approved and new officers were installed. State Councilor Gary Vance presented his State Councilor’s Program for 2018/2019 and Past State Councilor Dennis Everett encouraged everyone to go back to their councils and promote this program. The session closed at 9:40.
Junior Order United American Mechanics 2018-2019 STATE OFFICERS Past State Councilor Dale Dailey Berkeley Springs #117 State Councilor Gary Vance St. Albans #123 State Vice Councilor David Kendig Berkeley Springs #117 State Secretary Joyce Everett Berkeley Springs #117 State Treasurer Jeremy Frye Back Creek Valley #15 State Chaplain B. J. Ruppenthal Berkeley Springs #117 State Conductor Virgil Ruppenthal Berkeley Springs #117 State Warden Dick Myers Berkeley Springs #117 State Inside Sentinel Berneda Vance St. Albans #123 State Outside Sentinel David Bailey Back Creek Valley #15 NATIONAL OFFICERS National Board of Control Greg Frye Back Creek Valley #15 Past National Councilor Dennis Everett Berkeley Springs #117 National Inside Sentinel David Kendig Berkeley Springs #117 Nat’l Deputy Councilor- WV Dale Dailey Berkeley Springs #117 National Finance Committee Carroll Bonnett Rockport #106 NATIONAL REPRESENTATIVES National Rep. (4 Yr. Term) Paul Simmons New Haven #175 National Rep. (Alternate) Charles Petro Fidelity #182 National Rep. (3 Yr. Term) Jeremy Frye Back Creek Valley #15 National Rep. (2 Yr. Term) James Pritt St. Albans #123 DISTRICT DEPUTY STATE COUNCILORS District #1 Harry Vance St. Albans #123 District #2 Dennis Everett Berkeley Springs #117 The 130th State Session kicked off today with 33 members arriving for the opening segment.
Memorial service will be conducted Friday July 20 at 8:45 am just prior to the start of the business session. Following the opening, a social gathering was hosted and all enjoyed the visitation and food. The session is being held at the Days Inn Conference Center in Flatwoods, West Virginia. Tune back in later for photos of the activities. |
ContactGary Vance, State Secretary Archives
December 2023
Categories2019-2020 WV State OfficersPast Councilor John Mason
Councilor Jennifer Dailey Vice Councilor Secretary Gary Vance Treasure Joyce Everett Chaplain Dan Collis Conductor Dick Myers Warden Jeanne Dolin Inside Sentinel David Bailey Outside Sent. Brenda Petro |
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