During the annual picnic, Patricia Mosco received Elder Statesman award.
A tradition for our Junior Order United American Mechanics Council #117 has been to recognize the exemplary efforts of a member who has demonstrated by their volunteerism and working within our Council and more importantly their commitment to serving in the community to make it a better place to live. Even though 2020 has had a new normal for all of us, we still wanted to acknowledge a member who we feel goes above and beyond in these efforts. Our honoree this year has served as an officer for years in our local Council, has been the Chair of Committees on the local and State level. Attendance at the annual State Session has been a must for this Junior who has held several State offices over the years. Joining the Berkeley Springs Council #117 on September 10, 2004 was definitely a blessing to the Junior Order. They say if you want something done, asks a busy person and it will get done and this certainly applies to this lady. You will find her at our breakfasts, Halloween Trick or Treat, the Christmas parade and all our socials, banquets, and picnics as well as all our community projects such as Grandparents Day and serving meals at the Starting Points and Senior Center. With all the efforts she puts into our activities, she still finds time to attend church where she loves to hear a “good Sermon” to quote her. Having the heart of a true volunteer, you can find her at the local mission store a minimum of three days a week where she is currently serving as President of the Morgan County Rescue Mission Auxiliary. With all this she still has time to spend with family and friends. To some she is known as “Martha” with all her talents of cooking, sewing, or just making you feel welcome in her home at any time of the day. It is with great pride that we recognize this amazing Junior who sets an example to all of a truly, caring Junior. Our Elder Statesman for 2020 is Patricia Mosco. During the annual picnic, Joan Myers received the Junior of the Year.
As 2020 arrived, our normal became very different with the pandemic, masks, social distancing but our local Junior Order of United American Mechanics did not want to miss our annual recognition of our Junior of Year. Recognizing that individual who has gone above and beyond what is expected. The member selected this year joined our Berkeley Springs Council #117 on December 29, 2017 following a family tradition. This Junior immediately became involved by helping with our fundraising events as well as volunteering to serve on several of our Committees. You may have seen her helping at our breakfasts, passing out candy at our annual Halloween Trick or Treat, or even in the Christmas parade. Her insight and ideas have been invaluable in our Council endeavors. A true Junior she attends the annual West Virginia State Sessions and has served on our West Virginia State Junior Order committees. Our choice for this year is a teacher and if you speak to any of her students they will tell you that she truly cares about each of them. They feel she was one of those teachers that you always remember as helping you become what you are today. She has taught for 30 years and during that time has served on committees, worked with the student council and now serves as the English Department Chair. She began her career in Morgan County and currently teaches at Clear Spring Middle School. Our choice also is active in her church and truly follows her beliefs. As a friend, you know you can always count on her to be there when needed. Over the years, she was always active in the local schools attending all the functions supporting her daughter and the other students. We have only touched on her many attributes of this astounding lady who is truly an asset to our organization. It is with great pride that we honor Joan Myers as our 2020 Junior of the Year. Our 2020 scholarship recipient, Liza Lane Diffenderfer, was able to come by to receive her check with Councilor Dale Dailey
As we near the possible end to the stay sheltered at home order, I pray all members will come back to gather in our lodge halls and fellowship with our brothers and sisters. During this time at home, my hope is that our members across the state do not find it easier to stay at home rather than attending meetings. It is so important to the future and the growth of the Jr. Order for all of us to stay active.
As we begin to gather again it is important to remember that COVID-19 is still present and we still need to take necessary precautions so we stay well and disease free. COVID-19 is a pandemic the likes of which most of us have not seen before. However, as I heard from a TV minister this morning, Smallpox has been eliminated by the grace of God. With God's help COVID-19 will be brought under control and hopefully eliminated. Our Supreme Councilor is still in charge of our World and we must continue to put our trust and faith in him. Together we will get though COVID-19 and hopefully come out better and stronger on the other side. I pray all of you stay well, but if the unthinkable happens, remember to trust the God we worship to take care of you and hold you in the hollow of his hand. Amen. Yours in V, L, & P David A Kendig, State Councilor WV We will be having our Annual Christmas Social on Saturday December 14th at 6pm. Please come share a covered dish. Hope to see you there.
Here are some pictures from our lodge's Christmas Social where 84 brothers/sisters and family and friends attended.
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