Past State Councilor Larry Barney of Berkley Springs has passed away.
Funeral services will be hosted at the Helsley-Johnson Funeral Home on Friday February 7 at 6:30 PM. Prayers and condolences to the family. Rest in peace Brother. Here is the link to the obituary Obituary | Larry Gilbert Barney, Sr. of Berkeley Springs, West Virginia | Helsley-Johnson Funeral Home & Cremation Center
The 135th Session of the West Virginia State Jr.OUAM was conducted today, August 9, 2024. The final business session will resume tomorrow, August 10, 2024 before closing the session for this year. Today's session started with a memorial service recognizing our fallen brothers from this past year. Following a brief break from the memorial session, the business session began. Multiple resolutions were proposed and debated and prepared for presentation to the Good of the Order Committee. During the Lunch break, the Past State Councilors met and deliberated on matters prior to electing new officers for the ensuing year. The afternoon business session closed following resolution votes and proceeded with election of new officers for 2024-2025 year. Outside Sentinel: Debbie Miller of Fidelity #182 Inside Sentinel: Brian Blake of Back Creek Valley #15 Warden: Brenda Petro of Fidelity #182 Conductor: David Kendig of Berkeley Springs #117 Chaplin: Dan Collis of Berkeley Springs #117 Treasurer: John Ditto of Berkeley Springs #117 Secretary: Dewey Nottingham of Rockport #75 Vice Councilor: David Dolin of Fidelity #182 Councilor: Jeanne Dolin of Fidelity #182 The meeting dismissed following the elections and Induction of the new officers will take place on Saturday August 10, 2024. The fellowship banquet started at 6:00PM with guest speaker from the Morgan County Sheriff Department. Entertainment was provided by a group of young musicians before being turned over to DJ. Attached are a few photos from the banquet. Induction of Officers was conducted by Past National Councilor Richard Beppler. During a short break in the business session,
David and Jeanne Dolin relax on a couch in the lobby area. Past State Councilor Jennifer Dailey appeared to nap (but was just fooling around). The 135th West Virginia Jr OUAM State Session opened on August 9, 2024 with State Councilor Dick Myers welcoming the 47 in attendance. Attendance included Past National Councilor Rich Beppler and National Chaplin Mariann Beppler Councilor Myers introduced County Commissioner Joel Tuttle whom provided a wonderful welcome on behalf of Morgan County. Commissioner Tuttle expressed his appreciation of the history of the order and the attributes it maintains. Snack foods were provided by the District 2 Boosters and entertainment was provided by the Hymns for Him gospel duet. The duet closed the night with their version of Lee Greenwoods "Proud to be an American". Archives August 2024 The 2024 State Session will be held August 8-10 at the Country Inn in Berkeley Springs.
The Country Inn room rate will be $ 130.49 plus tax per night. They are holding a block of rooms for the Junior Order until July 1. To make your reservations call the Country Inn at 304-258-1200 and be sure to let them know you are with the Junior Order United America Mechanics to get our special room rate. We will be selling ads for the program booklet. The cost for a full page ad is $50.00, a half page is $25.00 and a quarter page is $15.00. As always, we will have a Boosters page in the program, a name can be included for $1.00. Your Council and individual ads, booster lists and payment should be sent Joyce Everett. Checks should be made payable to the District 2 Boosters Association. If you are emailing ads, please be sure they are in the PDF format. Ads, booster lists and fees all need to be sent to Joyce no later than JULY 1 so that the program booklet can be completed on time. We are hoping to have some new attendees at this year’s State Session so be sure to let your members know that in accordance with the approved 2023 Resolution No. 10, each eligible voting member will be reimbursed $50.00 provided they attend the Friday and Saturday business Sessions in their entirety. Also 2023 Resolution No. 9, approved that the State Council pay for the banquet dinner for each voting member attending the entire business session on Friday. The cost of the banquet for visitors and non-voting members will be $35.00 per person. Approved 2023 Resolution No. 11, approved mileage reimbursement to eligible voting members who attend the entire business session. If members carpool, only person providing transportation will be reimbursed 134th West Virginia Jr. OUAM State Session
August 10, 11 and 12, 2023 Days Inn & Suites 350 Days Drive Sutton, WV 26601 ( just off the Flatwoods exit) 1-304-765-5055 Brothers and Sisters, Make your room reservations! There is a block of rooms reserved at a special price. Mention the Jr. Order when making your reservation. Thursday August 10: Registrations at 4 PM. Social Banquet and Opening Ceremony at 6:00PM. Friday August 11 Registrations til 8:30 AM. Memorial Service at 8:45 AM Business Session starts at 9:30 AM PSC Luncheon at 12:30 PM Evening Banquet at 6:00PM Saturday August 12 Business Session starts at 8:45 AM 11:00 AM check out Entertainment with DJ Phil Chapman planned for Thursday and Friday evenings. Our Key Note speaker is the Past National Councilor Greg Frye. Friday evening activities includes Door Prizes, Chinese Auction, and a Special Auction with honored auctioneer, Past National Councilor Dennis Everett. In Loving Memory,
David G. Frye, State Councilor of West Virginia. David Gregory Frye, 58, newly elected State Councilor of West Virginia went home to be with the Lord on Thursday, September 8, 2022 from Berkeley Medical Center. He is the son of Past National Councilor, Greg Frye and Donna Frye. He is also survived by his wife, Aimee Lynn Frye; daughter, Kayla Mercedes Frye; and son, Jacob Bare; granddaughter, Angeli Watkins; and his sister, Amy Jo Robertson and her husband Chris. Brother David was a member of Back Creek Valley Council #15, WV and was currently serving as Councilor. In August he was elected as State Councilor of West Virginia. Brother David also had many friends on the National level from when he attended the National Golf Outings. David was a member of Central Chapel Church where he sang in the Adult Choir and the Praise Band. . . . and he enjoyed riding his Harley. The Junior Order held a memorial service on Sunday, September 11, 2022 at Central Chapel Church. The Funeral service was held on Monday, September 12, 2022, and Interment was at Central Chapel Cemetery. Brother David Frye came from a strong Junior Order family, and he will be missed by all that knew him. His family would appreciate your prayers at this time. |
ContactGary Vance, State Secretary Archives
December 2023
Categories2019-2020 WV State OfficersPast Councilor John Mason
Councilor Jennifer Dailey Vice Councilor Secretary Gary Vance Treasure Joyce Everett Chaplain Dan Collis Conductor Dick Myers Warden Jeanne Dolin Inside Sentinel David Bailey Outside Sent. Brenda Petro |
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