Sadly we must report that Brother Jerry Frye has been called by our LORD.
Jerry, a Past State Councilor, and long time State Treasurer was stricken with COVID and lost that battle. Visitation and Viewing will be on Wednesday, March 2nd, 5pm to 8pm at Central Chapel Church located at 2546 Back Creek Valley Road, Hedgesville, WV 25427. A Jr.OUAM Memorial Service will be conducted at 5pm. Funeral Service will be Thursday, March 3rd at 11am, at Central Chapel Church. The 132nd annual West Virginia State Convention of the Junior Order United American Mechanics was held on July 15-17, 2021 at the Days Inn Conference Center in Flatwoods, West Virginia.
Presiding over the opening ceremonies on Thursday was Past State Councilor Gary Vance. After a welcoming and introduction of National and State Officers, everyone enjoyed a delicious buffet dinner. Entertainment for the evening was provided by Jim Young, who sang many original tunes while playing the guitar. On Friday, Past National Councilor Greg Frye conducted a memorial service, remembering the deceased members over the past two years. State Councilor David Kendig opened and presided over Friday's session. .PSC Gary Vance delivered a brief :Keynote: address. He expounded on deceased brother Paul Zimmerman's adage, "There's always a message in the story:. Also sharing in the session was Past National Councilor Charles Riehs from North Carolina, who represented the National Councilor. The business of the day consisted largely of acting upon resolutions. The members voted to donate funds to the American Children's Home and the Junior Order Museum - $5000.00 each, as well as to those councils who requested "covid relief". With the business completed expeditiously, both the nomination and election of officers for the ensuing term were completed on Friday. A delicious buffet banquet was enjoyed by all attending. Following the meal, DJ - Phil Chapman played a variety of tunes for listening pleasure and dance floor enthusiasts. Throughout the evening, ticket drawings for cash prizes and "Chinese" auction items were conducted. Saturday finished the business session with the installation of officers by Dale Daley - National Deputy Councilor for West Virginia. Officers for the 2021 - 2022 term are: Jr Past State Councilor - David Kendig (Council #117) State Councilor - John Mason (Council #117) State Vice Councilor - David Frye (Council #15) State Secretary - Gary Vance (Council #123) State Treasurer - Jerry Frye (Council #15) State Chaplin - Dan Collis (Council #15) State Conductor - Jennifer Dailey (Council #117) State Warden - David Dolin (Council #182) State Inside Sentinel - David Bailey (Council #15) State Outside Sentinel - Jeanie Dolin (Council #182) National Rep. - 4 Year Term - Dale Dailey (Council #117) National Rep - 2 Year Term - John Ditto (Council #117) National Rep - 2 Year Term - Charles Petro (Council #182) Dear Brothers and Sisters;
I hope all are doing well as we slowly make our way into Spring. Once again I feel nead to ask our prayer warriors to pray for two of our own. Two of our Past National Councilors need your prayers, both are dealing with health issues. Please lift Brother Charles Riehs, up in prayer. He is still on a waiting list for a kidney transplant and recently he has been diagnosed with another issue and has or soon will have surgery on his shoulder. It is serious and he needs your prayers. Please keep Brother Dennis Everett in you prayers, he is still recovering from Covid-19. The virus hit Brother Dennis pretty hard. He does not have to be on oxygen all the time now, which is a blessing..... but he has not recovered his sense of taste or smell which takes all the enjoyment out of eating. So, he has lost a lot of weight. Please pray for Brother Dennis as he strives to regain his strength. Brother Charles and Brother Dennis, please know that you are loved and thought of...and that prayers are being sent up for your continued recovery. God Bless each of you, and his Holy presence be with you each day. Psalms 103:2-3 Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits. Who forgiveth all thine iniquities, who healeth all thy diseases. BROTHERS and SISTERS,
Recd word from Joyce Everett that Dennis has been stricken with COVID. Though he is being medically treated, our prayers are needed for his recovery. Dennis has been such an important influence to so many of us within the Junior Order from local, state and national levels. Joyce also needs our prayers and support in these trying times. My dearest Brothers and Sisters,
I sat here this uncommon Thanksgiving Day reflecting on all I have to be thankful for with a full belly but a heavy heart. An uncommon Thanksgiving that was unparalleled due to a pandemic that has rocked our world. A fullness of gratitude for the blessings God has bestowed upon my family and friends weathering the storm this past year as we look forward to the annihilation of the deadly Covid-19 virus. A heavy heart for all our fellow brothers and sisters who have not been so fortunate as myself and whose health conditions this past year have taken a toll so heavy to bear. Those like our esteemed Junior Past National Councilor, Charlie, as he prepares for dialysis. Another Past National Councilor, Ed Kiefer, recently placed under hospice care as he battles for his life from his prolonged sickness. Our Brother National delegate, Ray Arnie, as he continues his long journey to recovery from his unfortunate accident. So many more whose lives have been turned upside down by this insidious pandemic. This holiday season I challenge each and every one of my Brothers and Sisters to take the time to reach out and embrace a member of our Order that we haven’t seen in a while or to someone you know who is alone or less fortunate than yourself. Pray for our soldiers overseas far away from family and friends, that they may feel they are not forgotten. May we soon return to normality in our meetings and resume our fraternal functions so that we may once again grow our ranks for generations to come. Let your light shine through to brighten someone’s day, if only for a moment. As Francis of Assisi avowed “For it is in giving that we receive”. Give of your heart to others, that you may receive blessings a hundred fold. As we prepare for this holiday season to commemorate the wondrous birth of our Lord and celebrate a safeguarded Christmas with family and friends, I appeal to my Brothers and Sisters to take the necessary precautions that we may weather this storm. We must turn to our guiding principles of Virtue, Liberty and Patriotism as a beacon in the dark of night, for it is darkest before the dawn. My Christmas wish this season is that after the glow of the Christmas tree has faded and the gifts unwrapped that we all emerge triumphant in the dawn of a new year filled with the promise of hope and prosperity for all. Fraternally Yours, in V.L.P. Rich Beppler National Councilor As 2020 arrived, our normal became very different with the pandemic, masks, social distancing but our local Junior Order of United American Mechanics did not want to miss our annual recognition of our Junior of Year. Recognizing that individual who has gone above and beyond what is expected.
The member selected this year joined our Berkeley Springs Council #117 on December 29, 2017 following a family tradition. This Junior immediately became involved by helping with our fundraising events as well as volunteering to serve on several of our Committees. You may have seen her helping at our breakfasts, passing out candy at our annual Halloween Trick or Treat, or even in the Christmas parade. Her insight and ideas have been invaluable in our Council endeavors. A true Junior she attends the annual West Virginia State Sessions and has served on our West Virginia State Junior Order committees. Our choice for this year is a teacher and if you speak to any of her students they will tell you that she truly cares about each of them. They feel she was one of those teachers that you always remember as helping you become what you are today. She has taught for 30 years and during that time has served on committees, worked with the student council and now serves as the English Department Chair. She began her career in Morgan County and currently teaches at Clear Spring Middle School. Our choice also is active in her church and truly follows her beliefs. As a friend, you know you can always count on her to be there when needed. Over the years, she was always active in the local schools attending all the functions supporting her daughter and the other students. We have only touched on her many attributes of this astounding lady who is truly an asset to our organization. It is with great pride that we honor Joan Myers as our 2020 Junior of the Year. A tradition for our Junior Order United American Mechanics Council #117 has been to recognize the exemplary efforts of a member who has demonstrated by their volunteerism and working within our Council and more importantly their commitment to serving in the community to make it a better place to live.
Even though 2020 has had a new normal for all of us, we still wanted to acknowledge a member who we feel goes above and beyond in these efforts. Our honoree this year has served as an officer for years in our local Council, has been the Chair of Committees on the local and State level. Attendance at the annual State Session has been a must for this Junior who has held several State offices over the years. Joining the Berkeley Springs Council #117 on September 10, 2004 was definitely a blessing to the Junior Order. They say if you want something done, asks a busy person and it will get done and this certainly applies to this lady. You will find her at our breakfasts, Halloween Trick or Treat, the Christmas parade and all our socials, banquets, and picnics as well as all our community projects such as Grandparents Day and serving meals at the Starting Points and Senior Center. With all the efforts she puts into our activities, she still finds time to attend church where she loves to hear a “good Sermon” to quote her. Having the heart of a true volunteer, you can find her at the local mission store a minimum of three days a week where she is currently serving as President of the Morgan County Rescue Mission Auxiliary. With all this she still has time to spend with family and friends. To some she is known as “Martha” with all her talents of cooking, sewing, or just making you feel welcome in her home at any time of the day. It is with great pride that we recognize this amazing Junior who sets an example to all of a truly, caring Junior. Our Elder Statesman for 2020 is Patricia Mosco. |
ContactGary Vance, State Secretary Archives
December 2023
Categories2019-2020 WV State OfficersPast Councilor John Mason
Councilor Jennifer Dailey Vice Councilor Secretary Gary Vance Treasure Joyce Everett Chaplain Dan Collis Conductor Dick Myers Warden Jeanne Dolin Inside Sentinel David Bailey Outside Sent. Brenda Petro |
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